Meher Mirza
Meher Mirza is an independent food, culture and travel writer with a special interest in exploring the anthropology of Indian food and culture through a postcolonial prism.
Meher Mirza is an independent food, culture and travel writer with a special interest in exploring the anthropology of Indian food and culture through a postcolonial prism.
Regardless of where it travels, the flatbread known in Indian cuisine as naan shares its gastronomic inheritance with several countries in Asia.
In mid-century Bombay, a group of women found a way around India’s own prohibition with a string of speakeasies.
The Parsi sweet tooth has yielded countless dishes—both original and reworkings—including this recipe for ravo, a sweetened pudding.
Mumbai vibrates with life, with a range of dining options that reflect multicultural influence in a modern, international city.
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