One of my most powerful childhood memories is of my mother making honeycomb ice cream. She used to make it on really hot days using this little, ancient ice cream maker that whirred slowly, steadily churning in our kitchen. The kitchen with the fly-screen door and the big wooden table. I remember eating it—two scoops at a time—in those cones with the flat bottoms, the kind that can stand on the table. Funny the things that stay with you from childhood; the quirky details that capture your imagination. This semifreddo is a grown-up recreation, somehow or another, of that childhood memory.
The cream is thick and honeyed, kind of like cold ice cream, but softer in texture. Like half-melted icecream. And it’s studded with salted almonds and peppery crystallised ginger, which give it that whole salty-sweet edge which, nowadays, I go mad for. I love how simple this recipe is to make and that it can be made well ahead of time—so it’s my go to dessert for the holiday season. And there is something about the golden honey and the glittering sugar that just looks so irresistibly festive.

Honey, Ginger & Salted Almond Semifreddo with a Hint of ThymeServes: 8-10 Ingredients: To Decorate:
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