Fire The Menu — 2:04

Fire The Menu Trailer: A new show about chefs cooking with chefs

February 18, 2025

Introducing Fire The Menu, our new YouTube series diving into the minds and kitchens of chefs as told between chefs.

Join Chef Casey Ikeuchi Felton as she explores the techniques, ingredients and identities behind some of today’s brightest culinary minds. Each episode of Fire the Menu is your ticket to learn from real chefs, like learning pasta fatta a mano (handmade pasta) in San Francisco, how to make masa in Mexico City, or cooking with zero technology from one of the best restaurants in Los Angeles. Produced by Life & Thyme, Fire the Menu is your invitation to a seat at the sometimes chaotic, mostly intoxicating and always delicious Chef’s counter.

First episode dropping MARCH 4 right here on Life & Thyme and YouTube. Be sure to subscribe to the Life & Thyme channel to be the first to know on new episodes.

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